EU Projects

Academy of Innovation Manager


FPD Sp. z o.o.

FPD Sp. z o.o. participates in a training and advisory programme called Innovation Manager Academy (AMI),

which aims to provide its participants with knowledge and skills for managing innovation in the company.

The programme consists of a training and advisory part.In the Unia Europejska training part (lecture and workshop), participants

gain knowledge Europejski Fundusz of how businesses are organised and how they operate, which use

effectively in its development, innovation. In the advisory part, with the support of the advisor, they will translate this knowledge into practice the functioning of the recipient of support.


1) support in the amount of PLN 60,884.93 (say: sixty thousand eight hundred and eighty-four 93/100 PLN)

from European funds under POWER in the amount of PLN 60 884.93, which is no more than 80% of the cost of participation in AMI,

2) own contribution from the support recipient's own resources in the amount of PLN 15,221.23, constituting not less than 20% of the cost

participation in AMI.


FPD Sp. z o.o.
carriers out the project co-financed from the European Funds the project under the name
Development of FPD Sp. z o.o. based on investments and package
advisiory services of a pro-innovative nature to create
a new Innovative "Cyber Accountant" service

The aim of the project is to introduce a new, innovative product
a virtual accountant who will streamline the accounting process
and will affect productivity.

EU fundingof the project:  733 852,00 PLN


Requests for proposal:

Requests for proposal: “Pro-development consultancy service provided by an ancredidet Business Support Institution”

Enquiry No 1 / 2.3.1 POIR / 2019 for server delivery

Enquiry No 2 / 2.3.1 POIR / 2019 for preparation aplication „Cyber Accountant”

Enquiry No 3/2.3.1 POIR/2019 in the procedure of the competetives principle for the European Union: Delivery of MFPs

Demand-based Innovation System


FPD Sp. z o.o. implements co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Programme
The Swietokrzyskie Province Governor's Office is implementing a project for 2014-2020
Project title: Demand Innovation System - development of SMEs in the Swietokrzyskie region through professional advisory services Implementation
period:: 2014 – 2020 
The Commission has also launched a new programme to support the costs of the specialised consultancy service SME Finance and Insurance, which has been awarded a voucher to SMEs:
"A technological audit of the application testing process was carried out with the creation of automated tests for Mobevo"
EU funding of the project:: 106 250, 00 PLN


FPD Sp. z o.o.
carries out the project co-financed from the European Funds
the project under the name

„Advisory services leading to the implementation of a new
the business model of internationalisation
FPD Sp. z o.o. to target markets

The aim of the project is to develop a business model
internationalisation and its implementation,
which will enable the Mobevo platform to be introduced to foreign markets.

UE co-financing of the project 546 326,05 PLN


Requests for proposal:

Enquiry No, 1/1.2 POPW/2019 for FPD internatiolisation consultancy services - preparation of Mobevo's product for foreign markets, under No. POPW.01.02.00-26-0008/18

Request for Proposal No. 2 / 1.2 POPW / 2019 in the competition procedure for the provision of a module structuring information from OCR for documents in English, Czech and German

Program for anti-labor leaving



Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund
Please be advised that in the period from 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2020 for employees of accounting offices
the project is under implementation:
Project title: Program for preventing premature exit from the labor market by employees of companies providing accounting services from the KOF area
Implementation period: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020
Oś Priorytetowa 8 Rozwój edukacji i aktywne społeczeństwo
Działanie 8.2 Aktywne i zdrowe starzenie się
Poddziałanie 8.2.3 Wsparcie profilaktyki zdrowotnej – ZIT (projekty konkursowe)
Managing Authority / announcing the call / awarding a subsidy: Marshal's Office of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship / Department of Implementation of the European Social Fund based in Kielce
Purpose of the project:
The main goal of the project is to support preventive healthcare and prevent 78 people from leaving the labor market too early, including 70 women and 8 men - employees of 4 accounting offices from the ZIT KOF area, i.e. Kancelaria Doradcy Podatkowy Michał Cielibała (16 women and 3 men), FPD Sp. z o.o. Biuro Rachunkowe (15 women and 4 men), Biuro Rachunkowe BIUREX Sp. z o.o. (26 women and 0 men), Biuro Rachunkowe "MARTA" Marta Szewczyk-Nadrzewia (13 women and 1 man) people of working age, by implementing a health program aimed at eliminating risk factors at work, including work ergonomics in the period from January 2020 to December 2020
Planned effects:
Number of people who started work or continued employment after leaving the program [people] (35F and 4M)
Number of people who, thanks to the ESF intervention, applied for a preventive examination [people] (49F and 5M)
Number of people covered by the health program thanks to the ESF [people] (70F and 8M)
Number of people aged 50 and more supported in the program [people] (3F and 1M)
Number of facilities adapted to the needs of people with disabilities
Number of people covered by training / counseling in the field of digital competences
Number of projects where rational costs were financed
sanctions for people with disabilities
Number of entities using information and communication technologies [pcs.] (4)
Target groups:
People at the working age, including: - people working and economically inactive due to their health, in particular those over 50 (70F / 8M)
Description of activities:
Task 1 - Health services - prevention and counteracting the negative effects of work
Task 2 - Rehabilitation packages and sanatorium treatment
Task 3 - Psychological and motivational support for employees, including measures to combat stress
Task 4 - Psycho-nervous support as an action to fight stress - psychological and neurophysiological rehabilitation
Task 5 - Advisory activities for the management staff
Project budget:
Total costs: 314 341,25 zł
Contribution of the European Fund: 282 146,25 zł
Cost per participant: 4 030,02 zł
Own contribution: 32 195,00 zł
To download:
  1.  Regulations of the Accounting Project
  2. Application form
Recruitment for the project "Program for preventing premature exit from the labor market by employees of companies providing accounting services from the KOF area"
Please be advised that on 02/01/2020. Human Body Damian Żuchowski together with the partner of the project Horizons of Business Monika Strus-Bilska starts the project "Program to prevent premature exit from the labor market by employees of companies providing accounting services from the KOF area". Therefore, we are starting recruitment for the project among employees of 4 accounting offices. The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship 2014-2020, Measure 8.2. Active and healthy aging, Action 8.2.3. Support for health prevention - ITI (competition projects).
The project is addressed to the employees of 4 accounting offices: Kancelaria Doradcy Podatkowy Michał Cielibała, FPD Sp. z o.o. Biuro Rachunkowe, Biuro Rachunkowe BIUREX Sp. z o.o., Biuro Rachunkowe "MARTA" Marta Szewczyk-Nadrzewia - who are people of working age, working people, especially those over 50 years of age.
As part of the project, the qualified participants will receive the following support (participation in individual forms depends on individual needs and is preceded by diagnostic tests):
A. Mandatory support
  • Pakiet badań profilaktycznych
  • Konsultacje indywidualne z fizjoterapeutą - 2h
  • pakiet rehabilitacyjny (8 zabiegów)
  • Warsztaty przeciwdziałanie wypaleniu zawodowemu dla pracowników –8h
  • Piknik edukacyjno-zdrowotny dla pracowników i ich rodzin

B.  Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla kadry zarządzającej

  • Coaching - 5h

C. Usługi zdrowotne uzależnione od stanu zdrowia na podstawie rekomendacji fizjoterapeuty (Klawiterapia, sanatoryjne leczenie rehabilitacyjne – Pakiet „Dla kręgosłupa”, zajęcia na siłowni, zajęcia na basenie, zwiększenie ergonomii stanowisk pracy)

Rekrutacja trwa do 24.02.2020r.

Warunkiem uczestnictwa w projekcie jest status pracownika etatowego oraz wypełnienie formularza zgłoszeniowego. Zapraszamy do udziały wszystkich chętnych. Wypełnione formularze zgłoszeniowe można składać w:

  1. biurze projektu –Business Lantern Office, ul. 1 Maja 191, 25-646 Kielce
  2. biurze partnera projektu –ul. Krakowska 8/10 lok 204, 25-029 Kielce
  3. w sekretariacie ww. biur rachunkowych

Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego Projekt realizowany w ramach RPO WŚ 2014-2020 na podstawie umowy z Urzędem Marszałkowskim Województwa Świętokrzyskiego


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